Winona Megido
- trollian handle: giddyChangeling
- extended zodiac sign: true aries
- classpect: heir of time
- lusus: ram
- strife specibus riflekind
- extra: heavily inspired by me when i was twelve (combined with aradia lol)
Zemena Hiades trollian handle: auralAurora
extended zodiac sign: taurpia
classpect: page of light
lusus: doe
strife specibus: axekind
extra: aspiring troll lana del rey |
Sterix Propys trollian handle: abjectTroubadour
extended zodiac sign: gemsci
classpect: bard of life
lusus: bicyclops
strife specibus: lighterkind, but they mostly just use their psionics
extra: going joker mode |
Kanken Vantas trollian handle: astridsCutlass
extended zodiac sign: true cancer
classpect: maid of blood
lusus: her own crabdad
strife specibus: sicklekind, obviously
extra: pippi longstocking combined with karkat, aka the two most important characters in my life |
Kojera Venati trollian handle: chienAndalusia
extended zodiac sign: lemini
classpect: thief of doom
lusus: german shepherd
strife specibus: scythekind
extra: goth furry with swag |
Elayne Zaviya trollian handle: ardourGrimoire
extended zodiac sign: virlo
classpect: witch of heart
lusus: owl
strife specibus: bladekind; she fights with an ornate cermonial dagger
extra: literally just elaine from the love witch |
Tileon Zedykk trollian handle: tiamatsAdjudicator
extended zodiac sign: libus
classpect: seer of breath
lusus: chameleon
strife specibus: bladekind
extra: too hardcore for dnd, not quite hardcore enough for flarp |
Chiari Rasban trollian handle: giddyupGunslinger
extended zodiac sign: scoriborn
classpect: knight of rage
lusus: scorpion
strife specibus: 2xpistolkind, lassokind
extra: vriska + tavros + yeehaw |
Asella Azarga trollian handle: trojanGhostwriter
extended zodiac sign: sagittanius
classpect: sylph of void
lusus: unicorn
strife specibus: bowkind
extra: twilight sparkle kinnie |
Mortee Belloz trollian handle: tomfooleryCleric
extended zodiac sign: caprinius
classpect: mage of hope
lusus: leopard seal
strife specibus: clubkind
extra: lapsed clown catholic |
Myrdin Sycora trollian handle: cthulhusTelos
extended zodiac sign: aquaza
classpect: rogue of mind
lusus: kraken
strife specibus: spearkind
extra: he loves garbage |
Samakh Charyd trollian handle: goetheAscended
extended zodiac sign: piga
classpect: prince of space
lusus: gl'bgolyb
strife specibus: 2x3dentkind
extra: collects squiddles for the lore |